Rice Goddesses of Indonesia, Cambodia and Thailand
The women of Angkor Wat, frequently called devata and apsaras, are related to many divine, semi-divine and mortal Asian females.
The women of Angkor Wat, frequently called devata and apsaras, are related to many divine, semi-divine and mortal Asian females.
Set like a gem among fertile ricefields, the 11th century Rajarani Temple is a breathtaking example of of Orissan style. It is also an immediate architectural predecessor of the Khmer Empire’s greatest monuments.
Just one hundred miles to the south, the Khmer civilization sanctified thousands of female images on the walls of their most important temples, both Hindu and Buddhist. But here, in what is now modern day Thailand, only two devata remain, fulfilling a mysterious spiritual mission long since forgotten.
The best photo index of Khmer temples in Cambodia and Thailand is available free thanks to the efforts of “Khmersearch,” a skilled (and generous) German photographer.