Roland Meyer, Saramani and a Cambodian Love Affair
Roland Meyer arrived in French Indochina in 1907 to write his historical epic, Saramani Khmer Dancer, about a Cambodian romance.
Roland Meyer arrived in French Indochina in 1907 to write his historical epic, Saramani Khmer Dancer, about a Cambodian romance.
Historian Darryl Collins traces the National Museum of Cambodia from founding ideas of Albert Sarraut and George Groslier to the present.
Daughters of Angkor Wat examines the mystery of why 1800 detailed portraits of ancient Khmer women appear in the Hindu temple Angkor Wat.
Ministry Director Hab Touch Promotes Cambodian Culture and will now serve as Director-General in charge of the Department General of Cultural Affairs.
Jacqueline Kennedy, America’s unofficial roving ambassador, visited Cambodia to fulfill “a lifelong dream of seeing Angkor Wat”
UNE MERVEILLEUSE CITE KHMERE – By George Groslier 1937. If one ventures to the north-western borders of Cambodia, one arrives in a region surrounded at right angles by the extreme western end of the Dangrek mountain chain.
Western studies of Cambodian dance were based on very few viewings. Cravath’s 1985 doctoral dissertation, Earth in Flower, blew the field open. Earth in Flower book review by Theater Research International
Historian, curator and author George Groslier (1887-1945) dedicated his life and career to Cambodia, becoming the motivating force behind the revival in traditional Cambodian arts and crafts in the early 20th century. Cambodian Dancers Ancient and Modern by George Groslier