Dance of the Gods Interview with Cambodian Princess Buppha Devi
Cambodian Princess Buppha Devi, royal embodiment of the royal dance tradition, is interviewed by author Lucretia Stewart in this article titled “Dance of the Gods.”
The Mystical Origins of Cambodian Dance – Since the dawn of recorded history, Khmer royalty nurtured a dance style unique to their Asian kingdom, yet instantly recognizable throughout the world. Spiritually, the graceful dancers embody the essence and strength of the Khmer race.
Analysis of a Hidden Art – The Cambodian dance articles in this section will consider history, spirituality, choreography, music, costumes, staging techniques in ancient, classical and modern settings. The women of Cambodian dance profoundly affected Southeast Asian history for more than a millennium, as living goddesses, priestesses, queens, concubines, hostages and diplomats. For more info, also visit these outside websites: Earth in Flower and Cambodian Dancers.
Cambodian Princess Buppha Devi, royal embodiment of the royal dance tradition, is interviewed by author Lucretia Stewart in this article titled “Dance of the Gods.”
In Paris, the Royal Ballet of Cambodia performs an extraordinary Hindu legend of creation featuring Amrita, the nectar of immortality.
Roland Meyer arrived in French Indochina in 1907 to write his historical epic, Saramani Khmer Dancer, about a Cambodian romance.
Philadelphia, PA – Nearly 9,000 miles from Cambodia, more than 18,000 Khmer people now call Philadelphia their home. Many Cambodians actively preserve …
Cambodian Culture on WHYY TV looks at the artistic side of the Khmer: one of the world’s greatest artistic civilizations from Cambodia.
Graceful sacred dancers of Banteay Srey train at the NKFC school to perform purifying ritual dances to honor Khmer ancestors and traditions.
A wartime twist of fate made Paul Cravath one of the only Westerners in history to gain full access to the formerly sequestered troupe of the Royal Cambodian Ballet.
One rural school run by the NKFC Foundation near Siem Reap in the UNESCO Angkor Heritage Site has discovered psychological healing from Cambodian dance arts.
Western studies of Cambodian dance were based on very few viewings. Cravath’s 1985 doctoral dissertation, Earth in Flower, blew the field open. Earth in Flower book review by Theater Research International
Earth in Flower book review in Asian Theater Journal. The book is a treasure trove. It includes more than 180 photographs, drawings, and paintings; listings of early and mid twentieth century Royal Palace performance programs